• The photography enters the "track" of Saudization, and its most prominent customers are restaurants


    ​During a workshop in the Asharqia Chamber

    The photography enters the "track" of Saudization, and its most prominent customers are restaurants​

    A specialized workshop held by the Asharqia Chamber on Tuesday evening, March 22, 2022, expressed optimism about the growth of the photography sector for restaurant products, which has become the best and first way to market these products, and in one rank with the skilled staff, the distinguished location, and the quality of the product.

    The workshop, titled (Professional Photography for Restaurants), which was moderated by Zahrat Al-Momen and attended by photography investors Muhammad Al-Mansaf and Abdul Aziz Al-Khalidi, stressed the effectiveness of the impact of professional images produced by photographers, as it contributed to transforming several amateur photographers into professionals, as a result of Increasing demand for service, and the two participants in the workshop emphasized that the pictures contributed to promoting products (or meals) that restaurants wanted to stop producing and that the professional pictures produced contributed to promoting restaurants that were in non-commercial and invalid sites, and a candidate for closure and cessation, but The pictures bypassed this predicament, which prompted some restaurants to agree with photographers to take new pictures (annual, monthly or even weekly), which opened the door to more people wishing to work in this field.

    The workshop (which was held remotely) emphasized that promoting restaurants at present is not from the menu of meals that restaurants provide to their customers, not even from the prices offered, but rather comes from the images that have become the first marketing method in this regard. Some even considered photography a rank in the availability of a distinguished chef in achieving success for the restaurant. Noting the development of the means of displaying images, which are no longer ordinary, but rather rely on modern methods of capture and presentation through social media, as well as the diversity of images presented through these means,

    And about the ingredients for success in this field, which has become a field for attracting national talent, and the most prominent of these challenges, which were five years ago, is the lack of the necessary equipment and devices, as well as the high prices, and the lack of means of maintenance if available through electronic commerce, but with the increased demand in the market To specialize in the field of photography, the market for photographic equipment and devices has boomed, with competitive prices and services for foreign markets.​

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